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Hofmästarn och Roffe Ruff - Panterparken (vinyl)

Hofmästarn och Roffe Ruff - Panterparken 2 (vinyl)

Tvåtakt Records vinyl bundle

Scumbag Millionaire - The Avenue A Sessions
€12.00 - €40.00

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Boogie Hammer - By Popular Demand

The Accidents - The Accidents International
€12.00 - €20.00

The Accidents - Bushido Sisu - The Singles (Part Two)

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The Accidents - A Tumblin Band - The Singles (Part One)

Tyrant - Reclaim The Flame

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Boogie Hammer - Search And Nestroy
€16.00 - €18.00

The Robots - Day Of The Robots

A-Bombs - Low Life Achievement/Five Stupid Men

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Wolves in Haze - Chaos Reigns

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Genocide Superstars - Seven inches behind enemy lines
€22.00 - €27.00

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The Dogs Bollocks - Kir Royale

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The Chris Rolling Squad - Cannonball Holocaust

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The Robots - We Are Everywhere

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Genocide Superstars - Hail The New Storm

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Genocide Superstars III

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Knife For An Eye - Damnation Rock n Roll
€16.00 - €18.00

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Genocide Superstars - We are born of hate

Tvåtakt Records t-shirt

Tvåtakt Records baseball tee

Tyrant - metal pin 2

Tyrant - metal pin 1

Deny - Wildfire (green vinyl)

VA: The Moon Was Full And So Was I… (black vinyl)

Los Pepes - The Happiness Program (vinyl)

The Ohnos - Waving From Hades (vinyl)

Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders – Blues Soul & Rock'n'roll (Vinyl)

Sweet Reaper - Street Sweeper (vinyl)

Sweet Reaper - Closer Still (vinyl)

Nightmare - Thirsty and wander (black vinyl)

Nightmare - Give notice of Nightmare (black vinyl)

The Flaming Sideburns / The Maharajas - split 7

Axe Rash/Therapy split 7

Purgatory - Necromantaeon (black vinyl)

Purgatory - Cultus Luciferi (black vinyl)

Crude - Drug Culture (black vinyl)

The Dogs Bollocks - The Christine EP

Knife for an eye - Damnation Rock n Roll (CD)

Merger Remnant - Dregs (marbled vinyl)